24 June 2014

Tuesday Roundup

Ah shit! I completely forgot about allll of this stuff for approximately the last three months. We'll just blame this on my dissertation and move on.

Because, you see: My dissertation has been defended. I'm now a doctor. :) I'm very self-satisfied and proud and warm and fuzzy about it. I actually cried a bit when I turned in the defense draft, and then---believe it or not!---I had fun at the defense itself. That was a really wonderful feeling. I'm now just looking for jobs and waiting for the graduation ceremony itself (eee).

Movies: For O, I saw Only Lovers Left Alive---which is really a fantastic movie, oh my. I enjoyed it so much! I also saw X-Men: Days of Future Past with some friends, which I enjoyed less. It was a solid meh.

I've been doing okay on my exercise; I kind of imploded a bit when I was in the final throes of the dissertation, since I was spending so much time writing and working. However, I'm now back into gear! It's good to get the runs in. ;) I have, on the other hand, been failing recently to remember to floss and brush before bed. Gross, and ew, and things I need to get back into. (Also, making the bed in the mornings: Something I have neglected as well during dissertation ridiculousness.)

I'm working hard on reading books! As per usual, I've added more books to the pile, but I'm also working on getting books out of the pile. I've got 100 on there right now. Since I have to return library books to the uni library, I'm probably going to focus on library books for a few weeks, but I'm at least holding steady on this front.

On the restaurant front -- woo actually found a new place! I had somehow never managed to go to Cafe Campesino before; it's a little kiosk downtown. I think that half the time I forget it's even there, and then when it's cold out I never want to sit outside and eat. It's quite sad that I'd never gone before, because they have absolutely delicious pacharelas.

I think I'm also learning something important about doing 101 in 1001s: I need to do a lot fewer long term goals, and a lot more short-term, easily accomplishable goals. Whoops.

21 January 2014

Tuesday Roundup

Oh god I had intended to post this like two weeks ago -- I wrote a draft and just never posted the damn thing. (Can we at least be assured that I am NOT going to make my "weekly post" goal? Hot damn.)

Anyways: another summary awaits.

1. White afghan: finished! This was done sometime in December, actually, not long after my last entry. It's so nice to have it done! It looks pretty in my room. :) (I am now, of course, started on another afghan; we'll see when I finish it.)

5. I should be able to fill up a good bit of the green notebook soon, if only because I have a backlog of recipes that I need to copy in! It won't be fully finished once I do that, but there will definitely be quite a few. (Huzzah!) I realized that I also need to go through and remove ones that I don't really like enough to have in there. There's definitely more of those than I want there to be, from back when my criteria was not "I definitely need to make this again" and more "well, this is pretty okay, I suppose."

13. I cooked new dishes for November and December. November was, in particular, some delicious challah (both a vegan one and a non-vegan one, as well as the almond "cream cheese" that I used to make the vegan challah). December was much more treat-oriented; I made a whole bunch of new candies (coconut haystacks, hazelnut-almond brittle, etc.). I also ended up making peanut butter dog biscuits -- that was fun!

For January, I've made a few new crockpot dishes; I'm rather enamoured of the beef and lentil stew. I don't know why I don't spend more time with my crockpot, it's incredibly silly. The thing is amazing.

21. I've tried, in the last month and a half, to do a more concerted effort at eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetable a day (much like how I did over the summer). Unfortunately, I'd gotten quite lazy about it through September and October, which was no good; I am, however, certainly better about this than I was at the start of this project, which makes me happy.

22. I've also revamped my exercising three times a week thing -- I've managed to do it for the past three weeks. So, here's to good starts, at least.

39. Bed-making has definitely been revamped; yesterday was the first time in the entire calendar year that I didn't make it. I was just too effing lazy and pouty to bother. Whoops.

41. I completed my Goodreads goal. I had moved it down from 50 to 40 partway through the year, and ended up reading 47 books; however, I don't feel bad about this, because I read a TON of fiction that isn't loggable on Goodreads this past year, certainly more than 3 novels' worth! So, I'm counting it as a win.

43. I'm continuously working on my books-I-own list; I've actually now devised a spreadsheet for keeping track of them. I also joined a small group of people who are "assigning" each other books to read each month, out of lists of books we have to read; I put up my spreadsheet as my list, and so hope to get a good few out of the way just through this group.

58. I sent New Year's cards, go me! It was fun to write them (and I need to try to do these more.)

60. I've started a list of simple things that make me happy. It's ongoing, but it's started and has a few items on it (and therefore although I'll keep adding to this list as the fancy hits, I'm going to count it as done).

61. I went to a FANTASTIC concert in December -- the KROQMas Silent Night concert, the second night. Bastille, The Neighbourhood, Lorde, Phoenix, and Arcade Fire were the bands; as you can imagine, it was lovely. (Phoenix were just thoroughly amazing live. They're not my favorite band out of the group, but they're quite simply mesmerizing; just a joy to be at a concert with.)

69. I tried a new-to-me cuisine -- Hmong. Hmong food is, of course, part of the general Southeast Asian sphere of food, and so not something particularly new to me; however, the dish I had was somewhat new to me, and was certainly quite tasty.

89. I went to one state that I'd never been in before (Minnesota), which was, well, cold. It was during the Great Polar Vortex of 2014, so it was quite cold, not just regular cold. So, here's to 1/5, ah well. (How is it that I've done so much travelling in the past few years, but so little of it to places I've never been to before?)

91. I suspect that I will, in fact, never end up submitting to a journal. This is kind of sad, but -- oh well. I'm coming to terms with myself.

93. I've been to a conference for 2014 now (hello, LSA!). So, this goal is DONE -- very exciting.

97. I've been working on my 500-words-a-day habit. I've not been perfect so far this year, but I've done pretty well. This has certainly been good for my dissertation -- also for my journaling, as it turns out. :)

It's a bit terrifying to think that I've got just under a year to go, and that I've only got 15 goals officially completed -- aiyai! Admittedly, at lot of these are ones I'm going to have evaluate, comparing my start-and-end of the project selves. Still. Ack?

18 November 2013

A Monday Roundup

I keep looking through the list of stuff that I have to do, and I'm pretty sure that I need to start saving up a fair bit of money to donate to charity; I'm trying to imagine finishing all of these goals, and it's not easy!

1. I unfortunately had to rip out the last afghan panel (there was a mistake), and so I'm redoing it right now. I'm hoping, though, that it'll be finished this upcoming week! It's an exciting thought.

2. After that, I get to start playing with the yarn bin. I think I may have an idea for a scarf for a friend of mine, who heard me mentioning crochet and was like "make me something -- just kidding". However, I'm totally down to make her something, especially if it helps me use up some stash!

5. I'm pretty sure that there's no way the green cookbook will get finished, even if I copy down all the recipes I have to copy down out of cookbooks. There's just SO many pages (and honestly, some that I'd like to remove out of there, because they don't deserve to be kept forever!).

13. Oh the dish cooking. Sigh. I honestly don't remember what I've cooked recently. November has, so far, been full of a lot of frozen spanakopita -- I've been getting home well after 7 several nights a week, and have to be asleep by 10, which does not leave much time for complex dinners. I think I'm going to have to count this goal as broken, simply because I don't remember having cooked anything new. I tried so hard! I'm still planning to keep track of new dishes from now until the end, though.

21/22. I'm renewing my "be healthy" plan -- it's one of these things that works for a while, then I fall off the bandwagon, then I have to try again.

24. Dentist happened. That was grand.

31. Got more CMV, which means that I have even more to read, oh no! She's too prolific for me to keep up.

34. I've been listening to a ton of 8tracks and Songza recently, so I've heard a TON of new music -- but haven't been listening to it on my computer much. Alas and alack! I'll have to get back to going through some of it. Perhaps I'll get started with that now...

43. I've gotten three new books in the past few months:
  1. The Melancholy of Mechagirl, Catherynne Valente
  2. The Ocean at the End of the Lane, Neil Gaiman
  3. Best American Essays 2013, ed. Cheryl Strayed
As far as previous books go, I've again read one more that I own (I've been digging on library books recently):
  • Catherynne Valente, Six-Gun Snow White
So, I've now read six out of 110 books -- leaving me with 104 to read. I'm working on a few right now; I think my goal will be to get it to 95 by the end of the year.

49. Although my road-trip goal has not yet been completed, it is going to be made much easier by the fact that I now have a car. 2003 Hyundai Accent GL by the name of Hugo. Very exciting!

79. Which also gets me 79.

29 August 2013

Thursday Roundup!

Wow. So, I have 501 days left; I'm officially halfway through this project. Dear lord, do I have so much to do. :P Luckily, some of these should be of the easy "just do it" variety; I might try to do them sometime in the next week.

In the roundup:

1. I'm currently working on the last afghan panel. With luck, I'll have it done in the next few days -- how exciting that would be! I've been working on this for so long that the idea of finishing it is kind of shocking.

3. I'm considering the "what looks good on me" as genuinely figured out. Like, I know that structure looks good on me; I have to be careful with soft silhouettes; I'm good in dark colors and jewel tones; I know the shapes of pants that look good on me; etc. I'm good for the most part.

24. I also finally made it to the dentist, after much procrastination on re-scheduling my appointment. My teeth are much, much happier now.

30. I've also been calling my parents more recently (so good! I feel so good about it!). It's so good to get to talk to them regularly.

34. As always, my music is always fluctuating; currently at 4301/6441 songs listened to.

43. To my reading list, I must add:
  1. Rhiannon Held, Silver
  2. Brian Vaughn, Saga: vol 1
Luckily, I have READ some books, so I can cross off:
  • 32. Gorey, Amphigorey Also
  • 35. Emily Dickinson, Favorite Poems
  • 105. E.B. Hudspeth, The Resurrectionist
  • 106. Rhiannon Held, Silver
So, I'm back down to 103 books! Go me. -_-

48. I've watched some new movies; there's Pacific Rim, The Wolverine, and Much Ado About Nothing for new letters, and I'm counting From Russia With Love too, though honestly we were treating it as background noise more than anything else.

75. I even managed to make it to a new restaurant in town (Stagnaro's).

80. A very exciting thing: I now officially have a furry pet. I've adopted one of my housemate's cats; it's a long story, but my housemate has three cats and will be moving soon, and can't take all of them. So, the one furry beastie is all mine. She's a wonderful (and evil) creature.

10 August 2013

Books added to the list:

  1. Catherynne Valente, Apocrypha
  2. Neil Gaiman, Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes
  3. Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
  4. E.B. Hudspeth, The Resurrectionist
I may have a problem.

In other news, I've made progress on the afghan. I've tried a bunch of recipes---I can't remember them all right now because I'm too sleepy to be arsed to---but there have been pasta recipes and other nommy things. I managed to go without eating out for a week, which was both gratifiying (oh my god so much less money spent) but also a bit depressing (it was because everyone was out of town and so I sat on my ass and pretty much just watched Teen Wolf all week).

I've also been working on working out (yay weights!) and eating better; I realized I eat way too many grains, and that maybe I ought to replace some of the grains with, you know, more veggies. Because VEGGIES.

Otherwise, I am sleepy and it's time to go.to.bed.

27 June 2013

A Thursday Roundup

13. My new dish for this month was pumpernickel bread---somehow, I'd never made any. It's quite tasty, and makes me happy: I hadn't had pumpernickel in literally years, since it's not a thing out here.

24/28. I'm making new appointments with the dentist and hand doctor once I finish this entry. Got the numbers here and everything.

43. I'm looking through all the books I have... and am now cataloguing all the books I own but haven't read yet. Ohhh man it's scary big (and does not include library books, eek). So, here's the full list, numbering currently at 101(!) books:

  1. Julian Barbour, The End of Time
  2. S.C. Gwynne, Empire of the Summer Moon
  3. Hans C. Chanian, Einstein's Mistakes
  4. Suppes, Axiomatic Set Theory
  5. Apostol, Calculus
  6. Lay, Linear Algebra and its Applications
  7. Bergmann, Moor and Nelson, The Logic Book
  8. R.F. Leslie, Three Old English Elegies
  9. Eric Gerald Stanely, The Owl and the Nightingale
  10. Ekko Danmark, The Ugly Duckling
  11. Chomsky, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
  12. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic
  13. Jespersen, Growth and Structures of the English Language
  14. Partee et al, Mathematical Methods for Linguistics
  15. Whorf, Language, Thought and Reality
  16. Repp, Negation in Gapping
  17. Tomoko Ishizuka, The Passive in Japanese
  18. Jordan and Chaplin, Reading Japanese
  19. Ashby, Read Real Japanese
  20. Selden, Annotated Literary Gems 1
  21. Selden, Annotated Literary Gems 2
  22. Chekhov in J
  23. Fujiwara, The Emperor Horikawa Diary
  24. M.F.K. Fisher, The Art of Eating
  25. Heatter, Maida Heatter's Cakes
  26. McKee, Making Craft Cider
  27. Lass, Approaches to English Historical Linguistics
  28. Dewey, Essays in Experimental Logic
  29. MFA Boston, Art and Artifice
  30. Lucas, Dinosaurs: The Textbook
  31. Allan, The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics
  32. Gorey, Amphigorey Also
  33. Ken Schramm, The Complete Meadmaker
  34. A.S. Byatt, Ragnarok
  35. Emily Dickinson, Favorite Poems
  36. Karen Joy Fowler, What I Didn't See and Other Stories
  37. Jo Walton, Among Others
  38. Catherynne Valente, Six-Gun Snow White
  39. A Treasury of the World's Best Loved Poems
  40. Juster, La Caseta Magica
  41. MFK Fisher, A Life in Letters
  42. Montaigne's Travel Journal
  43. The Complete Montaigne
  44. Thoreau, Walden
  45. Ashbery, And the Stars Were Shining
  46. Eliot, The Waste-Land and Other Writings
  47. Frost, The Road Not Taken and Other Poems
  48. Keats, Lyric Poems
  49. Roethke, The Collected Poems
  50. Rosetti, Goblin Market and Other Poems
  51. Shapiro, After a Lost Original
  52. Shakespeare, Sonnets
  53. Yeats, Easter 1916 and Other Poems
  54. The Quran
  55. The Bible
  56. モーテル・クロニクルズ
  57. 馬追い旅日記
  58.  Neruda, Viente poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada, cien sonetos de amor
  59. Esquivel, Como agua para chocolate
  60. Crowley, Traduciendo el cielo
  61. Ocho siglos de poesia catalana
  62. Mueller and Aelbrecht, Contemporary Algebra and Trigonometry
  63. Children of the Arbat
  64. Hemingway, The Short Stories
  65. まんが日本昔話し
  66. Wolfe, You Can't Go Home Again
  67. Taylor, The Global Translator's Handbook
  68. Yasutaka Tsutsu, Paprika
  69. Aesop, Fables
  70. Barr, Invitation to Cryptography
  71. Indigo
  72. Marquez, Cien anos de soledad
  73. Catherynne Valente, The Folded World
  74. Valente, Deathless
  75. Valente, In the Mere
  76. Peake, Gormenghast Novels
  77. Anderson, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  78. The Best American Essays 1991
  79. Napier, Hands
  80. Hobbes, Leviathan
  81. Plato, The Republic
  82. Barwise and Etchemendy, Language, Proof and Logic
  83. Oates, Best American Essays
  84. Zadie Smith, Changing My Mind
  85. Lamb, Essays of Elia and the Last Essays of Elia
  86. Wallace, Death and Rebirth of the Seneca
  87. Bellamy, Looking Backward
  88. The Complete Oscar Wilde
  89. Heaney, Electric Light
  90. The Oxford Book of English Verse
  91. The Collected Poems of Yeats
  92. Winterson, Written on the Body
  93. Winterson, Oranges are the Only Fruit
  94. Reage, The Story of O
  95. Hamilton et al, The Federalist Papers
  96. Sapir, Language
  97. Pinker, The Language Instinct
  98. Lakoff, Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
  99. Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier
  100. The Lais of Marie de France
  101. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
  102. Catherynne Valente, Apocrypha
  103. Neil Gaiman, Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes
  104. Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
  105. E.B. Hudspeth, The Resurrectionist
  106. Rhiannon Held, Silver
  107. Brian Vaughn, Saga: vol 1
  108. Catherynne Valente, The Melancholy of Mechagirl
  109. Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane
  110. Cheryl Strayed, ed., Best American Essays 2013

24 June 2013

A Monday Roundup

So, life has still been a bit crazy---a bit unmoored and lost at sea with no paddles sort of situation. I'm simply continuing on the "try to get things back together" tack.

1. Have done at least a bit of afghaning, though not as much as I'd like.

13. Realized I've not done any new cooking for this month; I'm going to have to change that! Don't want to lose out on the really easy goals here.

15--20. Nothing new on any of the financial front.

21. Have been eating fruit like a maniac.

24/28. I'm calling my dentist and hand doctor today to reschedule the appointments that get fracked up in the Great Wedding Week.

29. Still utter suck at the vitamins. Ugh.

34. 4213 songs now, booyah.

48. Watched a few new movies, including The Great Gatsby and The Hulk. Let's just say that I'd watch Gatsby again, but if anyone ever tries to turn Eric Bana into the Hulk again I will smash so many things.

75. I managed to make it to a new restaurant: Gayle's, over in Capitola. Not sure how I hadn't been there before. It was generally quite delicious---good sandwich, good (dry!) macchiato, excellent dessert. Nom.

10 June 2013

Oh lord, it has been a while. These last few months have been... hard, to say the least. My three-year relationship came grinding to a rather painful halt, and so let's just say that I've not been as, ah, good about doing things. Especially things that are not immediately necessary. It's simply not pleasant.

However, let me update what I can now; I've probably forgotten some things, and I need to generally re-settle my life, but---gonna do my best here and all.

1. The current goal is to finish the white afghan by the end of the summer. If I do a few rows on each panel a day, I should definitely be able to do it. Now, let's just hope that I remember to do that.

2. Added more yarn to the yarn bin. Whoops. Admittedly, this is supposed to be for some gifts I'm making---but I'm having difficulty getting the shop to order the rest of the yarn I need. I can only cross my fingers. >.<

3. I think that, at this point, I'm getting pretty good at figuring out the type of clothes that look good on me. (Pencil skirts and dresses with fitted bodices (either pencil or A skirts); pants that are fitted through the hips and either straight or bootcut below; shirts with boat and v-necks; fitted button-ups; blazers; and so on.)

4. The revamping of the wardrobe continues; I just recently got some semi-casual dresses that I can wear for summer and teaching.

12. Nail polish experimentation is, I think, something I can say I've done now. Recent polishes include an amazing silver metallic, Essie No Place Like Chrome, and Essie Lollipop (looove this color, just a beautiful bright true red). Essie is probably, at this point, my favorite of the polish companies.

13. I've done at least a bit of cooking recently. There was a parmesan chicken recipe in March---marinate the chicken, coat with parmesan and crumbs, eat very happily. April had a red lentil soup that I love and that is, huzzah, very cheap! And for May, a cocoa nib dacquoise, which is a cake I must make again and again, I love it.

22. I've been doing a bit better about exercising. I've not been great with doing it 3x a week, of course, but I'm getting better---I've been trying to get to 10,000 steps a day or more, which means that I've been going for walks more, and have also gone for a few runs here and there. It's not great, but it's better, and it's that upward trajectory that I most want to push on.

25. The skin is generally doing better---lots of lotion seems to help a lot, imagine that.

28. I had an appointment with a sports medicine doctor for my hands, but then had it cancelled by the doctor's office due to some scheduling difficulties. So, it's back to trying to figure that out.

29. Have been utter fail on the multi-vitamins. Ugh.

30. Less fail on calling the parentals recently.

34. Have been listening to a lot of music! 4192 out of 6406 songs. Of course, we'll see what happens when I inevitably go on another music acquisition spree (which is in the making; I've been wanting to get Lykke Li and Ellie Goulding for a while, among others).

48. I've also watched a fair number of movies recently: Captain America, Dark City, Iron Man 3, Up are all among them.

75. I realized that if I limit my new restaurants to just restaurants in town, that I actually might not be able to make 25 restaurants. I've eaten at a LOT of different places; so, I'm allowing myself to also add restaurants in the general area. So, Zeni's goes on (also, SO good).

Finally, I'm adding another goal: Writing a letter to my end-of-this-project self.

02 March 2013

Saturday Roundup

I was definitely not perfectly in my Lenten goal to not spend too much---March is going to be very tight financially, as I was also frivolous in my troublesome categories this past month, too. I'm kind of hitting myself over the head about it; I need to be less of an eejit about this.

9. My music bit has progressed a tiny bit---I'm going to contact some profs in the music department at my uni, I think, for help in finding a violin and for some basic lessons. However, I might have to wait until my finances settle down a bit---they're a bit crazy at the moment.

12. The nail polish fun times continue! I've got an Essie deep blue that is fantastic, and goes on super easy and thick (and looks great with gold glitter over it). I've got gold fingernails right now, though, which is pretty much just happiness.

13. New recipes, oh yes: For February there was also salted caramel brownies off of Smitten Kitchen, which are so amazing that I'm making them again today; for March, there's a parmesan chicken recipe that is super simple and which will definitely be going in my repeat book.

22. I exercised quite a bit this last week! I went to the gym twice, and then also went to swing dance---which was absolutely fantastic, oh my god. I'm definitely going again. I'm also upping my daily step goal to 10,000; I can only hope that I'll be able to get continually more active!

25/26/29. Skin and teeth are doing well, and I've been taking my damn vitamins regularly. \o/

28. The hands are... okay. I've been writing too much, and they're aching. I think it may finally be time to bust out more money for ergonomically better computer equipment.

30. Have called Mum and Dad more! It's been fun. :D

48. I watched the Avengers yesterday with K. and C. Oh my, so very good.

75. In the realm of new restaurants---I forgot to mention the time I went to the Owl's Nest (which was fine for campus food, if not great otherwise).

77. The need for a new computer seems to get bigger and bigger---this computer is barely charging now. I'm crossing my fingers that nothing busts. :(

90. I'm working on edits for a journal submission. With luck, it will be submitted before the end of the month.

18 February 2013

Roundup (Monday)

5. Have a couple of things to add to the green cookbook---why is it that I'm so lazy in writing things down? :(

9. I'm thinking I will try to learn violin. I'm checking out cheap violins and looking around for lessons now.

12. Nail polish remains awesomely fun.

13. I've done a couple new dishes. I've played with another style of pakhlava---this one with store-bought phyllo, to use up the phyllo from the börekler. It went well. The second was chicken kijiyaki, which is delicious and is going to get made many, many more times because it's also amazingly simple.

25/26/28/29. I'm doing well on these self-care things---I'm moisturizing, brushing regularly, taking my pills. Go me!

34. Music: Currently 3914 of 6406.

39. Been better this last week, at least, with making the bed.

75. If a cupcakery counts as a restaurant, I've now been to Sparkz. I also went to the Delmarette for the first time, and have decided that I will be frequenting it quite a bit---it's a great spot. Great coffee, great food, reasonable prices, and just a very cozy little cafe. Love it.

Hopefully I can cross the damn afghan off the list soon...