29 August 2013

Thursday Roundup!

Wow. So, I have 501 days left; I'm officially halfway through this project. Dear lord, do I have so much to do. :P Luckily, some of these should be of the easy "just do it" variety; I might try to do them sometime in the next week.

In the roundup:

1. I'm currently working on the last afghan panel. With luck, I'll have it done in the next few days -- how exciting that would be! I've been working on this for so long that the idea of finishing it is kind of shocking.

3. I'm considering the "what looks good on me" as genuinely figured out. Like, I know that structure looks good on me; I have to be careful with soft silhouettes; I'm good in dark colors and jewel tones; I know the shapes of pants that look good on me; etc. I'm good for the most part.

24. I also finally made it to the dentist, after much procrastination on re-scheduling my appointment. My teeth are much, much happier now.

30. I've also been calling my parents more recently (so good! I feel so good about it!). It's so good to get to talk to them regularly.

34. As always, my music is always fluctuating; currently at 4301/6441 songs listened to.

43. To my reading list, I must add:
  1. Rhiannon Held, Silver
  2. Brian Vaughn, Saga: vol 1
Luckily, I have READ some books, so I can cross off:
  • 32. Gorey, Amphigorey Also
  • 35. Emily Dickinson, Favorite Poems
  • 105. E.B. Hudspeth, The Resurrectionist
  • 106. Rhiannon Held, Silver
So, I'm back down to 103 books! Go me. -_-

48. I've watched some new movies; there's Pacific Rim, The Wolverine, and Much Ado About Nothing for new letters, and I'm counting From Russia With Love too, though honestly we were treating it as background noise more than anything else.

75. I even managed to make it to a new restaurant in town (Stagnaro's).

80. A very exciting thing: I now officially have a furry pet. I've adopted one of my housemate's cats; it's a long story, but my housemate has three cats and will be moving soon, and can't take all of them. So, the one furry beastie is all mine. She's a wonderful (and evil) creature.

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