27 June 2013

A Thursday Roundup

13. My new dish for this month was pumpernickel bread---somehow, I'd never made any. It's quite tasty, and makes me happy: I hadn't had pumpernickel in literally years, since it's not a thing out here.

24/28. I'm making new appointments with the dentist and hand doctor once I finish this entry. Got the numbers here and everything.

43. I'm looking through all the books I have... and am now cataloguing all the books I own but haven't read yet. Ohhh man it's scary big (and does not include library books, eek). So, here's the full list, numbering currently at 101(!) books:

  1. Julian Barbour, The End of Time
  2. S.C. Gwynne, Empire of the Summer Moon
  3. Hans C. Chanian, Einstein's Mistakes
  4. Suppes, Axiomatic Set Theory
  5. Apostol, Calculus
  6. Lay, Linear Algebra and its Applications
  7. Bergmann, Moor and Nelson, The Logic Book
  8. R.F. Leslie, Three Old English Elegies
  9. Eric Gerald Stanely, The Owl and the Nightingale
  10. Ekko Danmark, The Ugly Duckling
  11. Chomsky, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
  12. Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic
  13. Jespersen, Growth and Structures of the English Language
  14. Partee et al, Mathematical Methods for Linguistics
  15. Whorf, Language, Thought and Reality
  16. Repp, Negation in Gapping
  17. Tomoko Ishizuka, The Passive in Japanese
  18. Jordan and Chaplin, Reading Japanese
  19. Ashby, Read Real Japanese
  20. Selden, Annotated Literary Gems 1
  21. Selden, Annotated Literary Gems 2
  22. Chekhov in J
  23. Fujiwara, The Emperor Horikawa Diary
  24. M.F.K. Fisher, The Art of Eating
  25. Heatter, Maida Heatter's Cakes
  26. McKee, Making Craft Cider
  27. Lass, Approaches to English Historical Linguistics
  28. Dewey, Essays in Experimental Logic
  29. MFA Boston, Art and Artifice
  30. Lucas, Dinosaurs: The Textbook
  31. Allan, The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics
  32. Gorey, Amphigorey Also
  33. Ken Schramm, The Complete Meadmaker
  34. A.S. Byatt, Ragnarok
  35. Emily Dickinson, Favorite Poems
  36. Karen Joy Fowler, What I Didn't See and Other Stories
  37. Jo Walton, Among Others
  38. Catherynne Valente, Six-Gun Snow White
  39. A Treasury of the World's Best Loved Poems
  40. Juster, La Caseta Magica
  41. MFK Fisher, A Life in Letters
  42. Montaigne's Travel Journal
  43. The Complete Montaigne
  44. Thoreau, Walden
  45. Ashbery, And the Stars Were Shining
  46. Eliot, The Waste-Land and Other Writings
  47. Frost, The Road Not Taken and Other Poems
  48. Keats, Lyric Poems
  49. Roethke, The Collected Poems
  50. Rosetti, Goblin Market and Other Poems
  51. Shapiro, After a Lost Original
  52. Shakespeare, Sonnets
  53. Yeats, Easter 1916 and Other Poems
  54. The Quran
  55. The Bible
  56. モーテル・クロニクルズ
  57. 馬追い旅日記
  58.  Neruda, Viente poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada, cien sonetos de amor
  59. Esquivel, Como agua para chocolate
  60. Crowley, Traduciendo el cielo
  61. Ocho siglos de poesia catalana
  62. Mueller and Aelbrecht, Contemporary Algebra and Trigonometry
  63. Children of the Arbat
  64. Hemingway, The Short Stories
  65. まんが日本昔話し
  66. Wolfe, You Can't Go Home Again
  67. Taylor, The Global Translator's Handbook
  68. Yasutaka Tsutsu, Paprika
  69. Aesop, Fables
  70. Barr, Invitation to Cryptography
  71. Indigo
  72. Marquez, Cien anos de soledad
  73. Catherynne Valente, The Folded World
  74. Valente, Deathless
  75. Valente, In the Mere
  76. Peake, Gormenghast Novels
  77. Anderson, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
  78. The Best American Essays 1991
  79. Napier, Hands
  80. Hobbes, Leviathan
  81. Plato, The Republic
  82. Barwise and Etchemendy, Language, Proof and Logic
  83. Oates, Best American Essays
  84. Zadie Smith, Changing My Mind
  85. Lamb, Essays of Elia and the Last Essays of Elia
  86. Wallace, Death and Rebirth of the Seneca
  87. Bellamy, Looking Backward
  88. The Complete Oscar Wilde
  89. Heaney, Electric Light
  90. The Oxford Book of English Verse
  91. The Collected Poems of Yeats
  92. Winterson, Written on the Body
  93. Winterson, Oranges are the Only Fruit
  94. Reage, The Story of O
  95. Hamilton et al, The Federalist Papers
  96. Sapir, Language
  97. Pinker, The Language Instinct
  98. Lakoff, Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
  99. Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier
  100. The Lais of Marie de France
  101. The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
  102. Catherynne Valente, Apocrypha
  103. Neil Gaiman, Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes
  104. Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
  105. E.B. Hudspeth, The Resurrectionist
  106. Rhiannon Held, Silver
  107. Brian Vaughn, Saga: vol 1
  108. Catherynne Valente, The Melancholy of Mechagirl
  109. Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane
  110. Cheryl Strayed, ed., Best American Essays 2013

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