02 March 2013

Saturday Roundup

I was definitely not perfectly in my Lenten goal to not spend too much---March is going to be very tight financially, as I was also frivolous in my troublesome categories this past month, too. I'm kind of hitting myself over the head about it; I need to be less of an eejit about this.

9. My music bit has progressed a tiny bit---I'm going to contact some profs in the music department at my uni, I think, for help in finding a violin and for some basic lessons. However, I might have to wait until my finances settle down a bit---they're a bit crazy at the moment.

12. The nail polish fun times continue! I've got an Essie deep blue that is fantastic, and goes on super easy and thick (and looks great with gold glitter over it). I've got gold fingernails right now, though, which is pretty much just happiness.

13. New recipes, oh yes: For February there was also salted caramel brownies off of Smitten Kitchen, which are so amazing that I'm making them again today; for March, there's a parmesan chicken recipe that is super simple and which will definitely be going in my repeat book.

22. I exercised quite a bit this last week! I went to the gym twice, and then also went to swing dance---which was absolutely fantastic, oh my god. I'm definitely going again. I'm also upping my daily step goal to 10,000; I can only hope that I'll be able to get continually more active!

25/26/29. Skin and teeth are doing well, and I've been taking my damn vitamins regularly. \o/

28. The hands are... okay. I've been writing too much, and they're aching. I think it may finally be time to bust out more money for ergonomically better computer equipment.

30. Have called Mum and Dad more! It's been fun. :D

48. I watched the Avengers yesterday with K. and C. Oh my, so very good.

75. In the realm of new restaurants---I forgot to mention the time I went to the Owl's Nest (which was fine for campus food, if not great otherwise).

77. The need for a new computer seems to get bigger and bigger---this computer is barely charging now. I'm crossing my fingers that nothing busts. :(

90. I'm working on edits for a journal submission. With luck, it will be submitted before the end of the month.

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