27 June 2012

Wednesday Roundup

Here's a mildly belated roundup post. I've been doing okay about getting work done, although I've not been sticking perfectly to the schedule I wanted. However, since I'm still getting a significant Pile of Things done---and even starting to make my own crazy goals for the week---I feel okay about it.

With respect to non-work-related things:

1. Afghan: I have now moved on to another skein, and should (I hope) be done with this afghan panel sometime this week. I need to give my hands a bit of a break, though, I suspect.

4. Revamp wardrobe: I have acquired two vaguely-khaki-esque pairs of pants that are infinitely more grown up than my jeans. I consider this an immense achievement, although I admittedly probably can't wear either pair with black shirts and not feel funny.

13. Cook one new dish: My June repertoire has been excellent, what with having more time after school let out. There were, of course, the previously mentioned cheesecake and failed puddings; however, I've also added a strawberry cake and a raspberry buttermilk cake, both of which are delicious recipes found on Smitten Kitchen. Highly recommended. I also have on my list what I can only call `babka-muffins', also from Smitten.

21. I'm still doing okay-but-not-perfect on fruit and veggie servings. As usual, the problem remains getting the veggies, not the fruits. Fruits are delicious and easy; vegetables involve cooking, and cannot typically be consumed as part of a cake.

22. I'm also doing okay on exercising! I've gone out a couple times each week, either with biking or running. I'm also doing a lot more walking, as N. and I have been going downtown a lot and he hasn't got his bike here; I've therefore been walking a good three miles a day on average, which cannot be anything but good for me. It's definitely helping me feel more energized, which is fantastic.

25/26. Skin and teeth: Holding strong and doing well.

28. Failing at calling Mom and Dad regularly enough. Need to do this tonight.

29. CMV reading: Reading Fairyland right now, and enjoying it immensely.

36. F-lang practice: Not often enough.

37. Bed-making: Managing to get it done if I can N. out of bed before 11.

44. Lang-8: Managing it so far.

57. Tea: I did it! I went to afternoon tea! More on this later, as it's worthy of having its own entry.

And that's about all she wrote, as it's said. I've had a full week, and I'm feeling happily energized right now---it's an excellent feeling, and I have this project and the onset of summer to thank for it.

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