17 June 2012

A Sunday Refocus

Finally---released for the summer! This last week was our week of finals, and so I spent it variously grading, reading a few papers, putzing and not doing any real work, etc. Finals work for a grad student who has no final papers is kind of a strange no man's land---one both must work, and yet has very few obligations.

I wanted to take today, then, as an opportunity for mental regrouping. I've felt really stagnant in the last couple months, both in life and work---like I'm not moving anywhere in either category. Every once in a while it's good to rededicate one's self to moving forward, and that's today for me, I think. I have a summer---a wide open, terrifying summer---and I need to make the best possible use of it.

So, here's the plan and the promise:

1. Wake up not too early, not too late, and go exercise (something I actually managed to do this last week).

2. Post-exercise, come home on weekdays and start working. Try to hold to a 9-5 or 10-5 most days.

3. Take evenings and weekends off if I want to.

I think this may at least keep me working well this summer, although I'll have to be disciplined. Writing a dissertation is scary....

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