24/28. I'm making new appointments with the dentist and hand doctor once I finish this entry. Got the numbers here and everything.
43. I'm looking through all the books I have... and am now cataloguing all the books I own but haven't read yet. Ohhh man it's scary big (and does not include library books, eek). So, here's the full list, numbering currently at 101(!) books:
- Julian Barbour, The End of Time
- S.C. Gwynne, Empire of the Summer Moon
- Hans C. Chanian, Einstein's Mistakes
- Suppes, Axiomatic Set Theory
- Apostol, Calculus
- Lay, Linear Algebra and its Applications
- Bergmann, Moor and Nelson, The Logic Book
- R.F. Leslie, Three Old English Elegies
- Eric Gerald Stanely, The Owl and the Nightingale
- Ekko Danmark, The Ugly Duckling
- Chomsky, Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
- Ayer, Language, Truth and Logic
- Jespersen, Growth and Structures of the English Language
- Partee et al, Mathematical Methods for Linguistics
- Whorf, Language, Thought and Reality
- Repp, Negation in Gapping
- Tomoko Ishizuka, The Passive in Japanese
- Jordan and Chaplin, Reading Japanese
- Ashby, Read Real Japanese
- Selden, Annotated Literary Gems 1
- Selden, Annotated Literary Gems 2
- Chekhov in J
- Fujiwara, The Emperor Horikawa Diary
- M.F.K. Fisher, The Art of Eating
- Heatter, Maida Heatter's Cakes
- McKee, Making Craft Cider
- Lass, Approaches to English Historical Linguistics
- Dewey, Essays in Experimental Logic
- MFA Boston, Art and Artifice
- Lucas, Dinosaurs: The Textbook
- Allan, The Oxford Handbook of the History of Linguistics
Gorey, Amphigorey Also - Ken Schramm, The Complete Meadmaker
A.S. Byatt, Ragnarok -
Emily Dickinson, Favorite Poems - Karen Joy Fowler, What I Didn't See and Other Stories
- Jo Walton, Among Others
Catherynne Valente, Six-Gun Snow White - A Treasury of the World's Best Loved Poems
- Juster, La Caseta Magica
- MFK Fisher, A Life in Letters
- Montaigne's Travel Journal
- The Complete Montaigne
- Thoreau, Walden
- Ashbery, And the Stars Were Shining
- Eliot, The Waste-Land and Other Writings
- Frost, The Road Not Taken and Other Poems
- Keats, Lyric Poems
- Roethke, The Collected Poems
- Rosetti, Goblin Market and Other Poems
- Shapiro, After a Lost Original
- Shakespeare, Sonnets
- Yeats, Easter 1916 and Other Poems
- The Quran
- The Bible
- モーテル・クロニクルズ
- 馬追い旅日記
- Neruda, Viente poemas de amor y una cancion desesperada, cien sonetos de amor
- Esquivel, Como agua para chocolate
- Crowley, Traduciendo el cielo
- Ocho siglos de poesia catalana
- Mueller and Aelbrecht, Contemporary Algebra and Trigonometry
- Children of the Arbat
- Hemingway, The Short Stories
- まんが日本昔話し
- Wolfe, You Can't Go Home Again
- Taylor, The Global Translator's Handbook
- Yasutaka Tsutsu, Paprika
- Aesop, Fables
- Barr, Invitation to Cryptography
- Indigo
- Marquez, Cien anos de soledad
- Catherynne Valente, The Folded World
- Valente, Deathless
- Valente, In the Mere
- Peake, Gormenghast Novels
- Anderson, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
- The Best American Essays 1991
- Napier, Hands
- Hobbes, Leviathan
- Plato, The Republic
- Barwise and Etchemendy, Language, Proof and Logic
- Oates, Best American Essays
- Zadie Smith, Changing My Mind
- Lamb, Essays of Elia and the Last Essays of Elia
- Wallace, Death and Rebirth of the Seneca
- Bellamy, Looking Backward
- The Complete Oscar Wilde
- Heaney, Electric Light
- The Oxford Book of English Verse
- The Collected Poems of Yeats
- Winterson, Written on the Body
- Winterson, Oranges are the Only Fruit
- Reage, The Story of O
- Hamilton et al, The Federalist Papers
- Sapir, Language
- Pinker, The Language Instinct
- Lakoff, Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
- Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier
- The Lais of Marie de France
- The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer
- Catherynne Valente, Apocrypha
- Neil Gaiman, Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes
- Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book
E.B. Hudspeth, The Resurrectionist -
Rhiannon Held, Silver - Brian Vaughn, Saga: vol 1
- Catherynne Valente, The Melancholy of Mechagirl
- Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane
- Cheryl Strayed, ed., Best American Essays 2013