16 May 2012


"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."

Inspiration to keep moving forward. Thanks, Dumbly-dorr.

Given the lack of interaction with this blog in the last week and a half, one might surmise that I've done approximately nothing when it comes to this project. This would be correct. The last week and a half have been rough---I've had a lot to do and have felt like I've not gotten much done. This tends to make me rather apathetic, and less likely to do things that I want to do but need to get up the energy for. It's an unfortunate spiral: I get stressed, therefore cannot finish all the things, which stresses me more, which means I finish even fewer things, which... etc.

So, well, I guess it's time to get back on track: Get that routine down, dammit. Because the world really is so much better when your bed is made. Here's to redoubling the effort to make those little (i.e. huge) everyday changes.

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