24 June 2014

Tuesday Roundup

Ah shit! I completely forgot about allll of this stuff for approximately the last three months. We'll just blame this on my dissertation and move on.

Because, you see: My dissertation has been defended. I'm now a doctor. :) I'm very self-satisfied and proud and warm and fuzzy about it. I actually cried a bit when I turned in the defense draft, and then---believe it or not!---I had fun at the defense itself. That was a really wonderful feeling. I'm now just looking for jobs and waiting for the graduation ceremony itself (eee).

Movies: For O, I saw Only Lovers Left Alive---which is really a fantastic movie, oh my. I enjoyed it so much! I also saw X-Men: Days of Future Past with some friends, which I enjoyed less. It was a solid meh.

I've been doing okay on my exercise; I kind of imploded a bit when I was in the final throes of the dissertation, since I was spending so much time writing and working. However, I'm now back into gear! It's good to get the runs in. ;) I have, on the other hand, been failing recently to remember to floss and brush before bed. Gross, and ew, and things I need to get back into. (Also, making the bed in the mornings: Something I have neglected as well during dissertation ridiculousness.)

I'm working hard on reading books! As per usual, I've added more books to the pile, but I'm also working on getting books out of the pile. I've got 100 on there right now. Since I have to return library books to the uni library, I'm probably going to focus on library books for a few weeks, but I'm at least holding steady on this front.

On the restaurant front -- woo actually found a new place! I had somehow never managed to go to Cafe Campesino before; it's a little kiosk downtown. I think that half the time I forget it's even there, and then when it's cold out I never want to sit outside and eat. It's quite sad that I'd never gone before, because they have absolutely delicious pacharelas.

I think I'm also learning something important about doing 101 in 1001s: I need to do a lot fewer long term goals, and a lot more short-term, easily accomplishable goals. Whoops.