23 July 2012

Roundup (Monday)

1. Afghan: I'm still working on that fifth panel (and the last skein I have); this will probably get finished tonight at a friend's stitch and bitch. I've got plans to get a few more skeins this upcoming week; the goal is to get this thing finished before I go to Japan.

2. Use up yarn bin: I've got a slipper planned for my mom, which should help me use up some excess wool I have from the last two pairs of slippers. This should be a fun little project.

4. Revamp wardrobe: Some revamping has been done in the form of an interview suit (charcoal grey, CK, all three pieces) and a new red-and-white shirt with a fun collar. It's all very grownup, very professional, and should be very useful. The suit, alas, needs some tailoring---but that's to be expected.

7. Perfecting new cooking: I tried to make a coffee custard today (hopjeslva for the Dutch-oriented), and although it tastes delicious, it failed to set. I'll have another go at it later this week; for now, our stitch and bitch tonight is going to have coffee custard sauce for ice cream.

13. New dish: I made a new curry recipe today---absolutely delicious. It tastes and smells a lot like standard Japanese curries, except one doesn't have to pay 5 bucks for a box of curry roux. I'm very glad about this.

23. Breast exam: Did one for July here. I'm not doing so well on trying to make sure I do this. Admittedly, I figure that every time I remember is better than what I would do if I weren't trying.

75. I realized that I sort-of completed the `new computer' goal. I say `sort-of', because it is neither a new computer, nor is it a laptop (which was my intention). However, I have acquired a new-to-me desktop, still in quite good shape, for less than $200. It's sitting happily in my office.

I also wanted to note a number of things that I need to get done before I go off to Japan (as it will simply make my life easier):

  1. Finish afghan.
  2. Finish slippers.
  3. Get suit tailored.
  4. Get bloodwork done.
  5. Finish drafting paper.
  6. Finish stock job materials.
  7. Start drafting dissertation (i.e., outlines, etc.).
  8. Write recommendation letter for a student.
  9. Get credit limit upped.

18 July 2012

Focus Post

I've not written a focus post in a long time, and I think it's time. One of these reasons for this post---and something that makes it different---is that I don't just want to focus on ``things I should be doing'' this week. The answer is always going to be the same, I suspect: I should be eating well, exercising, working harder, what have you.

Rather, what I want to focus on is attitude.

It seems that there's a tendency for our motivations to be built on fear. If you don't eat well and exercise, you'll get fat! If you don't work until all hours, you'll never get a job! If you don't. . .! I won't discount the fact that fear can be very motivating. For example, being terrified of gingivitis can definitely be a good motivation to brush your teeth. All the same, motivation built solely on fear is draining. First, you feel horrible: You are simply always guilty.

More perniciously, our fears are often in many ways too abstract, and the consequences of our actions are too far off. The fear of a heart attack at 65 is a fear I should (and do) have: I have a family history of high cholesterol and heart attack. All the same, this fear is not particularly good at motivating me to take better care of my body: It's simply not on my mind every morning when I wake up and ponder whether I should go for a run; nor is it on my mind every time I decide what I want to have for dinner. Frankly, I don't want it to be. I don't want to spend the entirety of my life constantly fending off potential heart attacks.

What I do want to do, on the other hand, is feel healthy every day. I want tons of energy, I want to feel the endorphin high from running, I want to revel in the deliciousness that is fruits and veggies. I want to have happy clean teeth. I want the satisfaction of having written things. I want the excitement of travel. I do not want to be constantly nagged by you should and if you don't. It's exhausting.

I'm not saying that there's not going to be plenty of motivation by fear here in this old noggin. I just want there to be some motivation by joy, too.

10 July 2012

Tuesday Roundup

1. Afghan: Finished a fourth panel. I'm now into the last of the skeins I'd already bought, and need to go acquire more. Only three panels to go, though. The goal now is to get it done before I leave for the end of the summer---so, one more month to go.

21. 5 servings: I've been quite bad this week; it's been a lot of carbs. Tried to get that started going the right way again by eating some salad tonight.

22. Exercise 3x a week: I've been walking a lot still, although my actual running/biking has lessened quite a bit. My knees and feet are doing better, though, so I hope that I can get out a bit more now.

25. Skin: Still mostly doing well on this.

26. Teeth: Also doing quite well on this still. If there's anything I'm happy about it, it's that I've been taking care of my skin and teeth better. This is definitely a positive change.

37. I've been doing a bit better with the bed-making recently, too. It helps if I go for a run when I get up---usually N. is up by the time I get home and out of the shower.

44. Lang-8: Doing pretty well.

85. Japan: I got my paperwork in to go this August. Now I just have to wait for it to get processed some. . . and to buy the tickets. ::nervousexciteds::

90. Conferences: I got into a conference in Spain for this November (in Galicia). I'm beyond excited, especially as N., M.B., and L.V. also got in!

I'm hoping to get a bit of a focus post in soon---I've been waffling a bit too much this past week, and so need to get my mojo back in order.

05 July 2012

Thursday Roundup

1. Afghan: I finished a panel and a skein, and have started on another of both! Flying high here, and perhaps on track to finish before the summer is over. On the other hand, I also have to go buy more yarn.

5. Cookbook: I've added a few of my recent recipe conquests. Very nice.

13. One new dish a month: The babka muffins mentioned last time were quite nice, and held well. Additionally, I also have my July dish in: Homemade buttermilk bread. Very good, keeps well and is excellent toasted.

15. Interest is still under $3000, although just. I need to be careful the next few months and oughtn't pay too much.

21. Doing middling-to-good still on the fruits and veggies. As usual, fruit is easy, veggies are not.

22. Exercise: Been doing poorly this last week, partially because I managed to make my metatarsals very, very sore for a good week---not pleasant. But, I'm still trying to get some sort of exercise in every day, if it's only biking down to the coffeeshop to get some work done.

25. Skin: I've been doing well in the mornings, though I've been neglecting night care again the past few weeks.

26. Teeth: Doing well.

28. Call Mom and Dad: Been doing middling-to-okay on this, not great.

36. Foreign language practice: Besides some Lang-8ing (which I've been good with), I'm making some plans to practice with a few people from my class this last week. This would be very very good.

37. Making the bed: We managed to do it a few times! Go us! It really does make everything look better.

44. Lang-8: Making goals.

46. 26 movies: I recently watched The Pink Panther: A Shot in the Dark, which I had never before seen and which I'm counting as my S movie. It was entertaining, although at times somewhat painful (it's that kind of comedy).

85. Go to Japan: I'm making plans! It looks like August--October is actually going to happen. I'm kind of terrified, although also excited.

02 July 2012

Having tea

I'm forgoing a focus post this week, as I'm feeling pretty focused right now.

However, approximately two weeks ago I went out to an actual afternoon tea with friends. I grew up in a place where tea is not a particularly popular beverage---and where the dressing up to go out for afternoon tea makes you an elitist asshat with notions of standing. As I now live in the Great Godless Liberal Utopia (as my family likes to call it), there's quite a few more folks with a penchant for dressing up to have tea and plenty of delicious, delicious foods.

It was really a fantastic time; about eight of us went to a small English teahouse in a nearby town. The teaware was beautiful (especially the warmers---a friend of mine definitely fell into teawarmer lust); I had some which had purple Sweet William and white morning-bells on it. Very lovely. The tea was quite nice. I'm rather spoiled by my own stockpile, but a good Darjeeling never goes amiss. Likewise, delicious---and I mean really damn delicious---savories and scones will also never go amiss.

On the whole, an excellent experience, and something I would like to do again (not to mention the idea of having teas at home).